PT Haka Buton Energy, was founded and registered on January 31 2019. The purpose of establishing the company is:
Exploring the potential of renewable energy in eastern Indonesia, namely: Mini Hydro, Wind and Solar, especially in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi
Make a Pre/Feasibility Study
Develop and operate renewable energy power plants
Contribute to the social and economic development of Buton Island
The company's activities are fully supported by Haka Sentra Corporindo.
Branch Office : (2nd Floor Makassar Raya Motor Baubau Showroom)
JL. Dayanu Ikhsanuddin No. 110 Kel. Lipu District Betoambari Baubau City 93721, Phone: +62 821-9291-9797
Clean and Sustainable Energy for Eastern Indonesia
Exploring and developing renewable energy power plants in eastern Indonesia, especially Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi
Renewable Energy Generation
Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH)
- Wabalamba river location
- Installed power plan 2 x 1.6 MW (3.2 MW)
Wind Power Plant (PLTB)
- Location of Rongi Hill and Teletubbies Hill, Buton
- Installed power plan 25 x 3.5 MW (87.5 MW)
Survey and Measurement Activities
Location of the Wabalamba River
Built-in Power Plan
Construction of a metmast wind measuring device
Location of Rongi Hill and Teletubis Hill, Buton